
All posts from 'Uncategorized' category

So I haven’t blogged for quite a while, sometimes life gets busy and your attentions diverge but, as a friend said to me only yesterday, 2020 has begun by being hard on everybody. I read that the bushfires around Australia impacted almost all of us on some level and while we were still reeling, along […]

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I am a bit concerned about my Story Apricot this year, always this tree is one of my harbingers of Spring, first come the jonquils, then the Story Apricot gradually opens its buds until it is as snowy and flashy as any bridezilla, then comes the almond tree and finally, the daffodils start to wake […]

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One of the big no nos on my dietary dont go there lists is any type of refined vegetable or seed oil. Cold pressed sunflower seed oil, okay- gets the tick, regular, refined sunflower oil? I am reaching for my asthma inhaler and feeling like I have rolled down the hill at the back of […]

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